Unlock Your Inner Hero: How Active Imagination Boosts Self-Awareness in Men
Active Imagination is a self-discovery tool developed by Jung, where you engage with the characters, emotions, and symbols that emerge from your unconscious.
Active Imagination is a self-discovery tool developed by Jung, where you engage with the characters, emotions, and symbols that emerge from your unconscious.
“The key to happiness is finding your gift. The purpose of life is giving it away.” – Pablo Picasso Imagine standing at a crossroads, dust swirling around your boots as the wind whispers ancient secrets. One path leads to gilded towers, promise of wealth and status glinting like fool’s gold. Another,
By consciously engaging in activities that promote positive neural connections, we can reshape our thought patterns and responses to external stimuli. Thank you neuroplasticity!
We all have inner voices that criticize, judge, doubt, or worry about ourselves and others. These are our saboteurs, and they can prevent us from achieving our goals, enjoying our relationships, and living a happy and meaningful life. Saboteurs are not our true selves. They are learned patterns of thinking
“And” is the word at the balancing point on the wide spectrum of beliefs, biases, and conditioned opinions. It is the magnet that brings opposites together and mitigates any possibility of separation. It is unifying. This principle applies to how you feel about yourself as well as others.